Lab members

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The Lewis Lab

Nathan E. Lewis, Ph.D.

Professor of Pediatrics and Bioengineering

Project Scientists


Ph.D. Students

M.S. Students


Previous members

Julie la Cour Karottki, Ph.D. – Visiting Ph.D. student 2017-2018, Postdoc, 2021-2024

Hratch Baghdassarian, Ph.D – Ph.D. Student, Bioinformatics and Systems Biology, 2018-2023, thesis. Current: Postdoc, MIT

Austin Wan Tien Chiang, Ph.D. – Postdoc and Project Scientist, 2015-2023. Current: Assistant Professor, Augusta University

Giulia Scapin – Visiting Ph.D. student 2022-2023, Technical University of Denmark

Sridevi Krishnan, Ph.D. – Project Scientist and Glycobiology K-12 Fellow, 2021-2023. Current: Assistant Professor, University of Arizona

Helen Masson, Ph.D. – Ph.D. Student, Bioengineering, 2018-2023. Current location: Eli Lilly

Erick Armingol, Ph.D. – Ph.D. Student, Bioinformatics and Systems Biology, 2018-2023. Current: Postdoc, Sanger Institute, UK

James Sorrentino, Ph.D. – Ph.D. student 2017-2023, thesis, Postdoctoral Fellow, 2023. Current: Yatiri Bio

Jamie Casey Lee, M.S. – M.S. Student, 2019-2020, thesis, Research Assistant, 2020-2023, Current: Novartis

Bokan Bao, Ph.D. – Ph.D. student 2017-2022, thesis. Current: ExodusPoint Capital Management

Isaac Shamie, Ph.D. – Ph.D. student 2017-2022, thesis, Current: Upside foods

Javad Zahiri, Ph.D. – Postdoctoral Fellow, 2020-2022, Current: UCSD Neurosciences

Chintan Joshi, Ph.D. – Postdoctoral Fellow, 2016-2022. Current: FujiFilm

Wen-Jen Lin – Visiting student, 2021-2022 (China Medical University)

Matt Song-Min Schinn, Ph.D. – Postdoctoral Fellow, 2017-2022, Current: Vedanta Biosciences

Philipp Spahn, Ph.D. – Postdoctoral Fellow, 2014-2019; Project Scientist, 2019-2021, Current: BioMarin

Johnny Skidmore – Visiting student, 2021 (Brigham Young University), current: PhD student, Johns Hopkins University

York Yujie Zhang – Undergraduate research assistant. current: PhD student, UCSF

Caressa Robinson – M.S. student, Bioengineering, 2018-2021, thesis , Current: Pfizer (La Jolla, CA)

Curtis Chih Chung Kuo, Ph.D. – Ph.D. Student, Bioengineering, 2015-2021, thesis, Current: Grail Bio

Hongru Yu – M.S. student, Bioengineering, 2019-2021, Current: PhD student, Salk Institute

Reid Larsen – Rotation PhD student, Biomedical Sciences, 2021

Mia Altieri – Masters student, Computer Science, 2019-2021; Current: Canonical (Berlin, Germany)

Mojtaba Samoudi, Ph.D. – Postdoctoral Fellow, 2015-2021, Current: CodexDNA (La Jolla, CA)

Lily Francus – Rotation PhD student, Bioinformatics and Systems Biology, 2020

Benjamin Kellman, Ph.D. – Ph.D. student 2014-2020, thesis, current: CEO, Augment Biologics; Postdoctoral fellow, Harvard

Vahid Gazestani, Ph.D. – Postdoctoral Fellow, 2016-2020, current location: Janssen, Inc. (Cambridge, MA)

Hooman Hefzi, Ph.D. – Ph.D. Student, Bioengineering, thesis, Postdoctoral fellow 2013-2019, current position: Biogen (Cambridge, MA)

Alex Nguyen – M.S. student, Bioengineering, 2019-2020

Erik Joplin – Rotation M.S. student, Bioengineering, 2019-2020

Phoebe Valdes – Rotation PhD student, Bioengineering, 2019

Charlene Hsuan-lin Her – Rotation PhD student, BISB, 2019

Jooyong Lee – Student Volunteer, 2018,2019 (Canyon Crest Academy)

Angela Willden – Volunteer, 2019, current position: Teacher, Torrey Pines High School

Braden Eberhard – Visiting student, 2019 (Brigham Young University)

Tyler Reagan – Undergraduate research Assistant, 2018-2019

Daniel Hakim – Rotation Ph.D. Student, BISB, 2019

Shangzhong Li, Ph.D. – Ph.D. Student, Bioengineering, 2014-2019, thesis, current position: Pfizer (Cambridge, MA)

Madeline Fredriksz – Undergraduate research assistant, 2017-2018

Andrey Bzikadze – Rotation Ph.D. Student, BISB, 2018

Anna Trimble – Rotation Bioengineering Ph.D. Student, 2018

Anne Richelle, Ph.D. – Postdoctoral Fellow, 2015-2018, current location: Sartorius (Belgium)

Jahir Gutierrez, Ph.D. – Ph.D. Student, Bioengineering, 2014-2018, thesis, current position: Insight Data Science Fellow, Toronto

Elizabeth Vance – Visiting student, 2018 (Brigham Young University)

Jeremy Tran – Research Associate, 2017-2018, current location: Boston University (Ph.D.)

Jason Hyun – Rotation Ph.D. Student, 2018

Omar Imami – Research Assistant, 2017-2018

Joanne Liu, Ph.D. – Ph.D. student, Bioinformatics, 2012-2017, thesis, Co-advised with Karsten Zengler

Sean Sadykoff – Undergraduate Assistant, 2016-2017

Bryan Yeh – Undergraduate Assistant, 2015-2017

Sam Roth – Rotation Ph.D. Student, 2017

Ileena Mitra – Rotation Ph.D. Student, 2016

Rob ter Horst – Fulbright Fellow, 2016

Jordan Porter – volunteer, 2016

Nima Mirzaee – M.S. Student

Alex Thomas, Ph.D. – Ph.D. Student, Bioinformatics, 2013-2015, thesis.

Vanessa Thomas, Ph.D. – Visiting Ph.D. student, 2014-2015 (UC Riverside)

Mona Arabzadeh, Ph.D. – Visiting Ph.D. student, 2015

Sjoerd Opdam – Visiting student, 2015 (Eindhoven University of Technology)

Anders Bech Bruntse – Visiting student, 2014-2015 (Technical University of Denmark)

Craig Perry – Visiting student, 2015

Ghofran Othoum – Visiting student, 2015

Henry Huang – Rotation student, 2014

Alyaa Mahmoud Mohamed, Ph.D. – Visiting student, 2014

James Yurkovich, Ph.D. – Rotation student, 2014